Brooke Merritt

Horsemanship Instructor and Equine Professional; Trained in Natural Lifemanship

“Horses have a beautiful way of turning us back towards ourselves and showing us that what we needed was within us all along.” ~unknown

Ever since I can remember, horses have been a part of my life. It was a passion my great-grandfather passed down to my dad, and he shared with me. As well as having my own horses, I loved working at other barns and learning all I could about riding, horse care, and different ways of working with horses of all skill levels. I have always loved the beauty of humans and horses working together to accomplish tasks—each relying on and trusting the other to successfully clear a jump, round a barrel, carry a small child, or simply be gentle with one another.
Some of my fondest memories are riding my dad’s older polo horses as a little girl and always asking for a horse of my own. In 2008 my sister and I got our very own Shetland ponies, Spirit and Jinglebells, as a Christmas gift! Kids grow quickly and can only ride a pony for so long, but the love they have for their first pony never fades, and it’s something I never outgrew. Seventeen years later, my love for that little pony has only grown as I watch my young daughter ride him, connect with him, and learn everything I did with the same horse. 
I believe there is so much we can learn from horses. They are truly good for the soul. As a young adult I learned that having horses in my life and having them involved in my life are actually two different things. I found that the less quality time I spent with horses, the more I began to lose sight of who I was and what mattered most. When horses became a regular part of my routine again, spending weekend nights trail riding, grooming, and preparing for rodeos—I always felt like my truest self. The sense of wholeness, forgiveness and understanding that horses give without us even having to ask is such a wholesome feeling that I think everyone should get a chance to experience. It all starts with a horse’s company and connection and after that, the possibilities are endless. I’m passionate about sharing my love for horses with as many people, especially kids, as I can.
When I’m not at Take Heart, I enjoy taking my Shetland ponies to birthday parties and events, giving kids rides, and teaching them about the gentleness of horses. It’s always been my dream to turn this into a career, and when I discovered Take Heart in the fall of 2024, my dream quickly became a reality. I was introduced to Natural Lifemanship – which taught me much of what I already knew and loved, and has deepened my understanding of how we communicate with horses, as well as how they process our requests and why we interact with them the way we do. I can’t wait to share this knowledge and facilitate special experiences with riders and non-riders of all levels who come my way.
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Reach out to our intake coordinator through our contact page to get started, or click the button below!

What Horses Did For Me...

When horses became a regular part of my routine again, spending weekend nights trail riding, grooming, and preparing for rodeos—I always felt like my truest self. The sense of wholeness, forgiveness and understanding that horses give without us even having to ask is such a wholesome feeling that I think everyone should get a chance to experience. It all starts with a horse's company and connection and after that, the possibilities are endless..

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life changing journey?

Wherever you are at on your journey, we are here for you. Our human and equine team will walk alongside you so you can find hope, healing, and wholeness in your life. You are worth it. Don't hesitate, reach out to us today.