Barn Team
We have a great team of barn staff who take care of our horses everyday, keep the barn looking nice, and lead our volunteers. We couldn't do this without them!

Natalee started working at Take Heart November of 2022. Here most mornings, she leads our barn team and is passionate about keeping our horses happy and healthy. She has a special connection with Hank.

Kody started working at Take Heart November of 2023. Here most mornings, Kody has been a quick learner and a great addition to our barn team. His favorite horse is Boone.

Sue started as a volunteer in July of 2021. She was hooked and officially came on as staff November of 2022. Sue does evening shifts and some weekends, always going above and beyond- her love for this place is evident. Of course, her favorite horse is Peppy!

Barb started working at Take Heart November of 2022. Looking to fill some extra time with something she enjoys, Barb does evening shifts and some weekends. She also teaches horsemanship lessons. Her favorite horse is John.

Brooke started working at Take Heart September of 2024. She joined the team to pair her love of horses and fulfilling work. She is here several mornings and some evenings throughout the week. Brooke enjoys sharing with others the joy horses can bring.

Maeg started working at Take Heart July of 2024. Maeg does evening and weekend shifts. You will often find her spending time with her horse, Moo, after her shift. They are a great pair!

Noelle started at Take Heart November of 2023 as the volunteer coordinator to help grow the volunteer program. She also fills in some morning and evening barn duty shifts. Her favorite horse is Apollo.