American Quarter Horse
Registered or Full Name: Miss Southern Belle
Color: Chestnut with flaxen mane
Born in: 1995
Height: 15.2
Weight: ~1,050 lbs

Belle was purchased by a woman as a 4-year-old show horse and boarded at this farm before Take Heart purchased the property. She was ridden by many boarders and taught lots of kids how to ride over her years. Sadly, her owner went through a painful situation and abandoned Belle at the farm. The boarding farm managers did not continue her care and left her in the field, neglected for years. When Grant and Meagan moved in, the managers lied about her age and health to justify her greasy, shaggy coat, dull eyes, and poor body condition. Belle’s bones stood out beneath her skin and she looked like she had given up. She was in desperate need of dental work and medical attention for her cushings disease. The Goods decided to just start taking care of Belle and eventually found her old owner to sign paperwork donating Belle to Take Heart.
Belle flourished under Take Heart’s care. As her old coat grew out and new muscle began to form over her bones, she became a powerful metaphor for change from the inside out. Belle is gentle and quiet and safe with the most fearful or youngest clients. She loves children and it seems like she is somehow grateful for her new lease on life! Don’t take her age and gentleness for granted however; she still has her spunk and may run away from you in the paddock on nice days when she doesn’t want to come in. She is not ready to retire yet and loves her job. Belle’s word from God is “kind.”