Boarding Services
Keeping Happy, Healthy Horses
Our Philosophy:
Every horse matters. We work to keep happy, healthy horses.
We believe in meeting horses’ basic needs first. Horses need freedom, friends, forage, and safety to thrive. They need the freedom to move and make their own choices about where they spend their time and how. As herd animals they need the opportunity to socialize throughout the day at their own discretion, playing and interacting naturally. They need unlimited resources to prevent resource-guarding, and unlimited forage especially to prevent gut issues. They need safe shelter, fencing, ground, skilled handlers, feeding practices, herd management, etc. to prevent health issues or injury.
Every horse is a unique individual with their own needs, so we do our best to meet each horse’s basic needs in the ways they need it. For example: Horses with metabolic issues are kept in a large dry lot with constant hay instead of grass. Harder-keepers are fed higher-calorie grain, easier-keepers fed a ration balancer. Some need blankets, others grow a great coat. Some wear fly masks, some pull them off the second they are turned out, so they get other products put on instead.
Every horse owner matters. We believe you deserve to enjoy owning your horse. We maintain a truly drama-free environment where you can come and enjoy your horse however you see fit and without judgment – whether that is riding, liberty work, or putting up a lawn chair in the field and reading with your horse. You don’t have to worry that your horse is taken care of when you go on vacation, or when the weather changes suddenly, or when a new horse comes to the farm, or any other situation… We hold a high standard of care and ethics in all that we do, and have a barn team of compassionate and highly-trained staff who genuinely care and go above and beyond for each animal on the property.