Chris Strickler
Intake Coordinator and Admin Assistant
Be strong and courageous Do not be afraid or discouraged For the Lord your God will Be with you, wherever you go. ~Joshua 1:9

If you contact Take Heart, you’re likely going to get to meet our intake coordinator, Chris. Her caring and kind demeanor will help you feel comfortable as you take your first steps in counseling: calling Take Heart to get set up with a therapist! Chris is eager to help you feel seen and heard, and is great at pairing you with the therapist at Take Heart that will be the best fit for you or your family.
Chris hails from Northern California, but has been living in Pennsylvania for over 32 years. She is a lover of all animals, and you will find her at Take Heart talking with the horses and sneaking them treats as she enjoys barn duty. Chris found out about Take Heart from being involved with a local anti-human-trafficking organization where she volunteers.
“We were doing a team building activity in the arena. I had my jacket on, and Mr. Peaches decided to unzip my jacket several times. He was so funny! What a character! In the same evening, we were praying over our ministries, and as we were praying, the horses surrounded us as if they were praying too! That evening showed me that these horses were engaged and had built trust and empathy with their owners. It was fascinating to experience and be a part of it. As a result, I kept in touch, and when Nicole asked if I wanted to volunteer at Take Heart, how could I say no? It was a definite, resounding yes!”
Chris doesn’t yet have a favorite horse at Take Heart – she says that each one has something unique to share with us. Currently, she is learning horsemanship with Gem. “Gem knows his groundwork and shows me what he needs to do. He is teaching me how to connect and communicate as we build upon our relationship together.”
Her favorite things are all animals including her dogs, traveling, helping people, volunteering at church, reading, and being a new grandparent.
To contact Chris, email

What Horses Did For Me...
Horses help me to regulate my whole being. They give me a calm and peace, and at the same time bring joy and laughter! As a result, I come away feeling refreshed and centered.