I Am Not My Grief

Erin's First Healing Experience With a Horse

by Erin Reilly, MA; Clinical Coordinator at Take Heart

December 21, 2023

A few years ago, when I was going through the many different emotions of grief, and right before I felt the Lord guide me to Take Heart, I started working at a local barn that boarded horses. I worked at this barn almost every morning trying to gain knowledge and experience with horses. Throughout the beginning stages of grief, I found a counselor that pushed me to find something I always wanted to do… and I picked horses. I wondered what kind of person starts riding horses at 23, almost 24. But there I was on New Year’s Eve in 2019, messaging the owner of a barn asking her to hire me and teach me everything she knows. Wow – if I had known where the Lord would have taken me then!

One of my duties was to clean out or muck all the stalls in this 23-stall barn. One morning it was raining hard. All the horses were kept in their stalls. I was mucking out one stall when I received a pretty mean text. I felt really hurt emotionally and physically by the text and instantly the tears started flowing. I immediately thought of my grief. How the pain of losing one of the most important people in my life was yet again evident. Without realizing what was happening, I meshed the two experiences. I began overplaying in my mind the loss and how this horrible text message connected to my grief. I combined the two bad experiences, the mean text and the death, and the tears kept flowing.


When I say the text felt emotionally and physically painful, I meant it. Emotions like grief, anxiety, sadness mixed with physical sensations of gut-wrenching sickness and weak knees. My mind and body struggled to separate my grief and this negative experience.


I was still in the mist of discovering grief. At that time, I combined grief with every difficult or negative experience. My mind and body couldn’t separate or even differentiate any bad experience and the grief I was feeling.


So, there I was in this big stall, crying over a muck tub from a mean text. Feeling the overwhelming experience of grief creeping into my mind and body. When suddenly, I felt a little tickle on my ear then a nudge on my shoulder. I jolted upright, surprised at first, only to see it was the beautiful Gypsy Vanner whose stall I was cleaning. It was like the hand of Jesus touching my shoulder letting me know I was not alone. That Gypsy continued to nuzzle me until I pet her, and she graced me with her strong presence that I needed to find my balance. That Gypsy Vanner brought me back to the present moment. She did not judge or scoff or turn away. She embraced me and it felt like she was saying “you are not alone.”

So much trauma is stored in the nonverbal memory systems in our brain. When I say that I struggled to differentiate between an emotional experience and my grief, it is because my brain combined the two emotional memories. So my body reacted as though I was experiencing that profound grief, right there in that stall. This triggering experience with a negative text message brought back these difficult memories – not just visualizing the memory, but somatically (physically) experiencing the memory. Horses become aware of the energy from these emotions and respond authentically. The Gypsy Vanner sensed the depth of my grieving, and chose to give comfort and strength in that moment.


This was the first experience I had with a horse that changed my perspective on grief. I am not my grief. I am a person who continues to grieve and that is one of the bravest and strongest things to do. Not only did that Gypsy Vanner provide me with the starting knowledge of horses, but she also gave me strength to embrace my grief. It’s amazing how one small moment can change the course of your life. It’s a humbling and spectacular feeling to take hold of your feelings, emotions, and thoughts and be courageous enough to understand them. I am blessed to continue to have these inspiring moments of growth and healing at Take Heart.