Rapie & Reuben
American Miniature Horse
Registered or Full Name:
Raphie: Rapha (meaning “healing” in Hebrew)
Reuben: Reuben, nicknamed Reu
Raphie:Black & White; black speckles on right side, all black face
Reu: Black/Dark Bay & White; blue eyes; white stripe
Born in: 2018
Height: Miniature
Weight: ~225 lbs

Raphe and Reuben are half-brothers that were donated at almost age two, on April 3, 2020, by the sweetest Messianic Jewish couple, Steph & Kimmel Schaefer. This couple purchased the “mini-men” before they were born and began praying (also before they were born) that they would be “mini ministry horses, bringing healing to folks of all ages, experiencing varying depths of hurt.” Raphie & Reu’s donors would have liked to do equine therapy from their home, but the reality of keeping horses was not working out, so they prayerfully entrusted their dream to Meagan & Grant after finding Take Heart through a connection at Lancaster Bible College. Steph & Kimmel still visit and support Take Heart through donations for their care on occasion.
Raphie and Reu were born 9 days apart and raised on an Amish farm where the family kids taught them to ride and drive.
They also taught Raphie to bow by picking up his leg- which made it very difficult for us to pick his feet and trim his feet for a while – he would throw himself on the ground when the farrier was working on him! It was funny (but probably not for the farrier!) so we un-trained that cute trick, although he would probably still do it if you picked up a front leg and held it. Raphie is lovey and loves to give “smooches” as well as groom you with his lips (and teeth if you aren’t watching closely) when you scratch his chest and belly. He loves if you get down to his level to interact with him. Raphie is a registered emotional support animal and actively seeks attention and connection – he loves it!
Reu is a little slower to warm up to new people than Raphie, and often pins his ears when you approach, warning you to take things a little slower with him. Once he is ready to connect, he is snuggly and loves to be scratched and played with! He just wants to get to know you first. Reu gets the most adorable winter coat that is impressively puffy, making him look like a giant stuffed animal!