Spotted Draft/Thoroughbred Cross
Registered or Full Name: Weekend Warrior
Color: Dapple Grey & White Pinto
Born in: 2016
Height: 16.0
Weight: ~1,550 lbs

Warrior was a nurse mare foal. A nurse mare foal is a foal who was born so that its mother might come into milk. The milk that its mother is producing is used to nourish the foal of another mare, a more “expensive” foal. As an orphan, he ended up at a rescue, then rescued as a 6-month-old by his donor Robyn Weaver. Robyn trains eventers and knew that due to Warrior’s pigeon-toed conformation, he would be ruined with a career in eventing or jumping. She sought a good home with light work for him. Meagan found his ad on Facebook and had to reach out for more information because of his unique coloring. Robyn was so pleased to think Warrior could be a therapy horse, and as soon as we met Warrior, we knew this was a perfect job for him! Robyn had done a wonderful job starting Warrior and helping him trust people. Warrior was donated on December 18, 2021.
Warrior is a special young boy with a playful and curious personality, willingness to cooperate without being overly compliant, and is a fast learner. He is gentle and loves to snuggle. Warrior’s word from God is “enduring love.”