What are you thankful for?
by Kody Kerkeslager; Barn Staff.
November 19, 2024
Gratitude: the feeling of thankfulness and appreciation for something or someone.
I feel like gratitude is not expressed enough. Personally, I think one should try to express it at least once a day, if not more! Whether it comes from a compliment or action, happiness is the goal!
To start off- I am thankful for Take Heart. I am thankful for Take Heart because they took a chance on a kid with little horse experience. Take Heart has given me the opportunity to just be with horses. I always wanted to ride and have my own horse since a young age but never knew where to go. I started out at Take Heart as a volunteer and later became part of the barn staff team working alongside all the horses almost every day. With time they gave me the opportunity to learn everything and anything about horses. From daily care, to first aid. And from riding to groundwork. They have also given me friends and the opportunity to be who I really am. I can be the sarcastic but caring guy who wants to get the job done but have fun doing it at the same time with no judgment. Take Heart has also helped me grow personally. Whether it’s the horses that teach me or coworkers, I have learned to understand life lessons on a deeper level. From how clear communication can change a relationship for the better, to how patience and perseverance help me realize growth takes time, and to stick to your goals no matter the difficulty.
Now let’s break it down and give gratitude to some groups of people.

Barn Team: I am thankful for the barn team because of how we support each other. Whenever someone needs coverage or support in any way, they help each other out. They invite others to ride whenever they do. Everyone on the team also sets up the next shift for success, which I really appreciate.
Clinical Team: I am thankful for the clinical team because of how they keep it real with me, but can joke around and have fun, too. I appreciate how they all give me opportunities to EP, and then give me feedback to help me grow.
Admin Team: I am thankful for the admin team for taking a chance on me, and allowing me to work an amazing job. They teach me whenever they can, but also schedule fun things to keep our friendship spontaneous. They also never stop giving me opportunities to grow.
Volunteer Team: I am thankful for the volunteer team because their help each shift really does make a difference!
Horsemanship Team: I am thankful for the horsemanship team because they taught me how to ride. They continue to teach me even when I’m not in a lesson.
Some events I’m thankful for- Hay Day, and public events like Open Barn, Fall Fest, etc. I am thankful for hay day because it brings the Take Heart community together to get work done but have a great time in the process and allows friendships to grow. I am thankful for public events because it allows me to be part of something that gives back to the community and makes visitors happy.
Don’t worry! I didn’t forget about the horses!

For the horses…
I am thankful for all the horses that live at Take Heart. I am thankful for the curiosity some bring, their expressions, and the funny things they do. I am thankful they live in the moment. I love how they call me out when needed and always show me how I’m actually feeling.
They also allow me to live in the moment. They teach me to be persistent and understanding. I am thankful that they are gentle with not just me but everyone they meet. I appreciate when they deal with my mixed signals when I’m learning or just messing around.
Peach: Your cute face, fluffy body, curiosity, and always wanting to play.
Gem: For running away in the field, teaching me persistence.
Hank: Being a wrecking ball in the field; it makes me laugh.
Boone: Your sensitivity; teaching me to be gentle with horses and humans.
Warrior: Your baby face and curiosity- makes me laugh.
Charley: Your mean face when I walk into your stall. You remind me to be present if I’m not already.
Noble: Your love for scratches in the field.
Remy: Our first liberty experience; I fell in love with liberty because of it.
Zeke: Your head tossing and your love for your dad.
Zeus: Being my steady lesson horse.
Apollo: Your stubbornness to move when the leader isn’t in the present with you.
Willow: Your cute leg cross and showy trot.
Peppy: Teaching me to adjust to needs of others when necessary.
Flicka: Your love for your best friend Peppy.
Reuben: Your zoomies.
Raphie: Your kisses and curiosity.
Harry: Teaching me to go slow when necessary.

Now to the Staff…
Grant: Not getting mad at me when I break stuff and teaching me horsemanship from your perspective.
Meagan: Your willingness and patience when teaching me about anything.
Nicole: Knowing when to be real, but being funny when appropriate. Doing things together when none of us want to do them.
Chris: Always saying hi, and starting the conversation.
Erin: Being gentle with everyone and your humor.
Danielle: Allowing me to EP some groups.
Kim: You are always willing to talk.
Liliana: Being part of the Boone fan club.
Cassie: Matching my sarcasm.
Mallory: Teaching me how to ride. Being patient with me.
Natalee: Being the go-to barn duty girl. Not getting annoyed at all the texts I send you about barn duty. Being one of my closest friends and that we can understand each other without talking.
Sue: Keeping it real with me, making anything we do fun, and being more sarcastic than me.
Barb: Willingness to stay and help me with PM shifts. And your horsemanship knowledge.
Brooke: Your sarcasm and horse knowledge.
Maeg: Your riding knowledge and willingness to teach.
Noelle: your surprise volunteering and “draft it”

There is so much more gratitude I have for the people and experiences in my life, but not enough time to share.
But I do want to share with you the campaign I have started for Take Heart because of how grateful I am for them. I am trying to raise money to build Take Heart a fully closed-in indoor arena that will allow them to expand their services. I would greatly appreciate your help in reaching this goal! Please click the link below to be redirected to by GoFundMe page that has more information on why this is so important to me. Any donation big or small helps!
What are you thankful for? When was the last time you sat down and wrote out or thought about everything and everyone in your life that you are thankful for? Once I started writing, I found it was easy to find more and more to be grateful for.
Next- what are you going to do about it? How are you going to show the people in your life that you are grateful for them?

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